It is really simple question, do links still work?
I found out some interesting things from this ranking test case and I will share it with you.
I will write all the info about this ranking test and its results, so you can draw your own conclusions.
Little intro:
This test case is mainly about influencing Google SERPs with links and various anchor texts.
The purpose of this test is to discover keyword rankings in these situations:
- rankings of pages/keyword with no links
- rankings of pages/keyword with links, same anchors used(main keyword)
- rankings of pages/keyword with links, various anchors used(main keyword, generic keywords and its various %)
(And accidentally we will see some meta title/description situations as well)
I started with this ranking test case/experiment on 02.04.2013., before this last penguin 2.0 update,
so luckily we will be able to see results before and after penguin 2.0 update.
How this test was conducted:
- For this test case I've used non existing keyword "prekintrebalings",
so there where no search results/competition on Google prior to this test took place,
so this way we can really test what is working and what not in controlled environment and without any outside influences.
- I've made 4 same wordpress blogs with same templates using same title("prekintrebalings") and without any content on them, so they where identical.
Later I found out that meta description on 2 of them(out of 4) was different and because of small meta title,
google used this meta description as "addon" title to fill in the short title.
Later almost in the end I made those 2 meta descriptions same as others, to have "google titles" the same as well and results changed,
I wasn't surprised, but for some time now title is treated as non important factor anymore by some people in SEO community.
You will see more in the pictures.
- I've build 30 backlinks/bookmarks with IMT Bookmarks tool(Private Network) to 3 out of 4 blogs in 10 day time period
and on 1 blog no links where built what so ever.
Details about blogs links and anchors used in this test case:
100% of anchors used is main keyword "prekintrebalings"
30% of anchors used is main keyword "prekintrebalings"
70% of anchors used are generic keywords(click here, visit this site, etc..)
No links built
65% of anchors used is main keyword "prekintrebalings"
25% of anchors used are generic keywords(click here, visit this site, etc..)
- I never accessed these blogs trough the Google SERPs, in order not to influence on visitors behavioral rankings factors like CTR, bounce rate,etc...
Blogs are accessed once to set them up and once(only on two of them) near the end of this testing to change meta description to match other two.
- test case was conducted on
The results, "prekintrebalings" SERPs in chronological order:
UPDATE 28.10.2013
Because this test case was conducted in controlled environment and wasn't public, so there where no outside influences or manipulations,
once this test case is presented to the public it can be compromised(and will be) influenced an manipulated by others for many reasons and therefore not accurate anymore.
It can be influenced not intentionally and only by for example clicking trough the SERP links and browsing/exiting pages on blogs, etc...
It is obvious that blog without any links was always in the last place from day one and until the end of this test case.
So we can conclude that links work!
Even after penguin 2.0, who knew, right?
The next logical question is what type anchors work?
As we could see the best performing anchors for this test case where mix of 30% main keyword/s and 70% of generic keywords
(in real life we need to use much more keyword variations as well as brand names, URLs, etc. as anchors).
It is also natural and secure way to do linkbuilding in terms of anchor usage, why, because it mimic natural distribution of anchors used in real life
(with other things as well which are not the scope of this test case and are well covered and explained in my tutorials and posts).
UPADTED Conclusion on 22.01.2014
All still stands from above conclusion expect that % of anchors needs to be changed to this:
1) Main Keywords, Additional Keywords/Keywords Variations = around 30%
2) Brand name(if you don't have brand name put this: "" without quotes) = around 20%
3) Exact URL you are promoting = around 25%
4) Generic Keywords = around 25%
This is explained in post #19...
In the end any of us will draw our own conclusion from this.
I always say don't fully trust anyone, especial not big multinational companies as Google, they don't care nor work for you, they are only after money for their shareholders!
I'm not saying you need to trust me, no, instead do your own homework.
You are more than welcome to make your own test cases(it is not hard at all as you can see) to check what works and what doesn't.
And I will be very happy if you do it and publish data here from your tests for everyone to see as well.
I think it is great time for us IMs and SEOers because most people are scared to do SEO right now, so it is very easy to rank sites and earn $ again,
because there are literally no competition anymore.
I'm not saying to do SEO in any way especially not to SPAM by any means, but to do SEO smart and proper way.
I hope you enjoyed this, that it was useful and that you will share this with others.
Take care![]()